Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Art of War - In Application to Politics

Military strategy is being employed in politics today and most likely has been for a LONG LONG time - as the passage that follows this paragraph, written by Sun Tzu, has existed for over 2500 years and has trained countless military strategists. It should also be noted that Machiavelli translated all of the principles taught by Sun Tzu for war into strategies to be employed by politicians (Some of which is in The Prince, but all of which is in Machiavelli's "Art of War")

Strategy they are using as an offense
From The Art of War Written by: Sun Tzu

"Warfare is the Way of deception. Thus although capable, display incapability to them. When committed to employing your forces, feign inactivity. When [your objective] is nearby, make it appear as if distant; when far away, create the illusion of being nearby."
"Display profits to entice them. Create disorder and take them."
"If they are substantial, prepare for them, if they are strong, avoid them."
"if they are angry, perturb them; be deferential to foster their arrogance."
"If they are rested, force them to exert themselves."
"If they are united, cause them to be separated."
"Attack where they are unprepared."
"Go forth where they will not expect it."
"These are the ways military strategists are victorious, they cannot be spoken in advance."

I would like to add (though I'm not worthy to) one more comparison being used in our "Democratic" society today by politicians and lawmakers.

Strategy they are using as a defense
*When united, appear as if divided; when divided, appear as if united"

The democrats vs. the republicans _(Yes, I know there were parties before these two, but I'm just using these as example as federalists and anti-federalists are no longer relevant to those who don't know about them) _used to be a divided isle, where true ideological differences of how a government should operate separated the two; but to appear united they both supported the liberties and freedom's permitted to us through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The democrats vs. the republicans today are a united affair that support the same overall agenda; at the core intent of the two parties - there are no ideological differences any more, only perceived. The liberties and freedoms set forth from the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been nullified by both sides of the isle. The division is between the government and the people.

To weaken the people's ability to revolt or overthrow the government because of the nullification of rights; they appear to still be divided ideologically so that people will continue to participate in the parties that "represent" them in the hope that who they elect will change things - or restore their lost rights, but by participation in this dualist system, the people will divide themselves further and create animosity among themselves, allowing the diversion of attention away from government (the united party agenda) to take place. To further dilute unification of the peoples, greater segregations are recognized by the parties; liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right, etc - thus creating further divides so that even republicans can disagree with republicans and democrats can disagree with democrats. This fits in to the overall united agenda of the parties because a peoples who are divided and fighting amongst themselves are a peoples who are no threat to the continuity of their stake in power and existence.

We as citizens of The United States believe that the common-ground between citizen and government is plane of moral law governed by The Constitution (and the Bill of Rights). But it is obvious, with the circus presented to us every four years (not that our vote actually means anything) - that the citizens are the only ones bound by moral law - and the choice of the "lesser of two evils" will ultimately still pan out in more suppression of individual freedoms and rights - that we are supposedly born with inexorably.

They want to see us divided and fighting - it is their goal. We need to see past this petty party boundary. The Art of War has been proven successful on the battlefield and in politics for centuries. There is no strategy against it except the knowledge of it - and even then it will only be a match in the understanding of its teachings. We have to assume that our adversaries not only know it, but strive to understand it like a religion. As a peoples, we may not need to unify in a literal sense if we could all share in two things: moral law & knowledge of the principles and teachings set forth in The Art of War. If every individual could find common-place in moral law and recognition of deceptive and subversive art forms - we would be able to do anything.

Alter-Ego Relativist - MDB

Peace and Revolution - V

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